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MacBook Pro 2019 display issue

I have a 2019 MacBook Pro (13 inch). Purchased in March 2020 so out of warranty. Last week the display started doing some weird stuff: flickering, lines, strips of display black etc.. It still works with a second screen but is obviously useless as a portable device.

Apple Support talked me through some checks (resetting SMC etc...) which didn't cure the problem and then advised me to take in store to the Genius Bar. They said the only solution was a replacement display costing £560. I found an email address and contacted them again but was told there can be no exceptions to the replacement cost so as not to prejudice people who invested in AppleCare.

I was happy to pay some cost for a repair but not 60% of the cost of a new MacBook Air. My last laptop, a Macbook Air 2011 lasted almost 9 years before the battery expanded and rendered it unusable. Just over 2 years use out of a 'Pro' machine before it seemingly develops a hinge / display cable issue doesn't seem great to me.

Has anyone else had this issue and found a solution?
